what-medical-conditions-cause-dizziness    The feeling of dizziness or lightheadedness is not only unpleasant and annoying, but it could signify a more serious problem. Dizziness can make you feel like you are off-balance or unsteady, or as if you and your surroundings are spinning or turning – which is also called vertigo. While the majority of cases of dizziness are not serious and either get better on their own or are easily treated, it is still important to be aware of some of the most common causes. If you or a loved one are experiencing any symptoms of dizziness, it is important for you to contact your ENT doctor as soon as possible. Additionally, if you are experiencing severe dizziness that is becoming progressively worse, you should seek the attention of an ENT doctor in Arlington, Dallas or Fort Worth with specialized skills and the ability to determine the underlying cause of the problem. In order to better understand dizziness, it may be helpful to take a closer look at how balance works and what some of the most common medical conditions that cause dizziness are.

How Balance Worksdizziness_dallas

Dizziness, along with motion sickness and vertigo, all are related to a sense of balance and equilibrium. This sense is called ‘spatial orientation’ because it allows the brain to know where the body is at all times; e.g. what direction it is pointing, what direction it is moving, and whether it is turning or standing still. Additionally, an individual’s sense of balance is kept in check through the complex interaction of several different parts of the body with the nervous system, including the following:

  • The inner ears
  • The eyes
  • Skin pressure receptors (such as the joints and spine)
  • Muscle and joint sensory receptors
  • Central nervous system

When a person is experiencing symptoms of dizziness, it is because the central nervous system is receiving conflicting messages from one or all of the other four systems mentioned above.

Common Medical Conditions That Cause Dizziness

causes_of_dizzinessThere are many different causes of dizziness, the majority of which are not serious and will not require the attention of your ENT doctor in Fort Worth. In some cases dizziness may be the sign of a more serious condition. Here is a look at some of the most common medical conditions that cause dizziness

  • Positional changes. One of the most common causes of vertigo or dizziness is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV. Within the inner ear there are small calcium crystals that act upon the balance sensors that send signals to the brain regarding movement.  With positional changes (or even injury), these crystals may become loose move into different parts of the ear, thus causing a transient burst of vertigo.  This vertigo may last for several seconds to minutes, and may occur with positional changes or endure for the length of time in the provoking position.  Exercises and rehabilitation may alleviate symptoms.
  • Poor Circulation. If your brain is not receiving enough blood flow due to poor circulation, you may feel lightheaded. The vast majority of people have experienced this at one time or another, however, people who have lightheadedness from poor circulation on a more frequent basis should contact their ENT doctor. This could be a sign of arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, which is common in patients who have high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol.
  • Serious injuries, such as a skull fracture that damages the inner ear, may lead to a profound sense of dizziness and disorientation. Individuals may also experience incapacitating nausea and hearing loss which lasts for several weeks. In most cases, the dizziness will begin to slowly improve on its own.
  • Some individuals may experience dizziness or vertigo when exposed to certain allergens, both food and airborne particles. Common airborne allergens include dust, molds, pollens, and dander.
  • Neurological Diseases. There are numerous diseases that may affect the nervous system and neurological function, and in turn cause imbalance and dizziness, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and tumors.

Understanding the common causes of dizziness, as well as how the balance system works, will allow you to have a better idea of why you are experiencing dizziness. As always, if you have any questions about this information or believe you are experience dizziness or vertigo, please do not hesitate to contact the specialists at Central Park ENT in Arlington, Dallas and Fort Worth.