[vc_row no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”2/3″][text_output]Summer is coming to an end, which means cooler temps and warmer clothes are on the horizon. While autumn is a favorite season for many, it also signifies the time of year where we should begin to prepare for cold and flu season. The holidays and winter months are not always full of joy and cheer, they can also be quite miserable for many who get bogged down by sickness. While dealing with a common cold is typically just a minor annoyance, catching the flu can be far more serious and debilitating. In order to keep you and your family healthy and happy this cold and flu season, it is a good idea to follow some basic steps to protect you from getting ill.

However, even if you take all the necessary precautions, there is still a chance you will contract some type of cold virus, or worse. Strep throat is one of the most common illnesses that affects people during this time of year. If you are suffering from strep throat or are experiencing prolonged soreness in that area, please do not hesitate to contact your throat doctor in Dallas. Here at Central Park, our ENT doctors are committed to helping each and every one of our patients stay healthy, which is why we are here for all your ear, nose, and throat problems.

Preventative Measures

In many cases, no matter how many precautions you take, you will still catch a cold. The common cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract and there are more than 100 different viruses that can cause a cold, according to the Mayo Clinic. Because of this, prevention is of the utmost importance.

Late summer and Autumn are the perfect time of year to start incorporating some healthy habits that can work to strengthen and build your immunity and nip the flu bug before it hits. It is never too early to start preparing your body for viral infections or the flu, so why not start now? Here are some measures you can take that may prove to be effective in helping you and your family stay healthy this cold and flu season:

Take care of yourself

Adopting a healthy, well-balanced diet and making time for plenty of exercise this time of year is one of the best things you can do to keep from getting sick in the coming months. Regular exercise works to keep your immune system strong, which is the most important part of fighting off sickness. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids and get as much sleep as you can. Find healthy ways to manage stress and do your best to avoid people and situations where tensions are high.

Take precautions

Make a conscious effort to regularly wash your hands and consider using hand sanitizer, especially when in public places. If you have children, work hard to help them understand the importance of washing their hands. Make extra efforts to keep all countertops and other surfaces in your household clean by wiping them down regularly.

Get vaccinated

While there is no vaccine for the common cold, there is a seasonal flu shot available every year that is strongly suggested for all eligible family members.

Getting sick is no fun; whether you have a minor cold, sore throat, or the full-blown flu. Do your part to start incorporating the above practices into your daily routine now to give yourself a better chance of staying healthy in the coming months.[/text_output][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][image type=”none” float=”none” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover” src=”553″][/vc_column][/vc_row]