[vc_row no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”2/3″][text_output]The list of symptoms allergies cause seem to be endless, especially when you’re suffering from them. According to studies conducted in 2010, 1 in 5 Americans suffer from seasonal allergies.

Seasonal allergies are caused by a number of pollens and allergens, which are mostly harmless in terms of life-threatening danger, but can substantially decrease the quality of life. Allergies impede all summer activities and can totally ruin things like outdoor trips, camping, swimming, and other fun stuff.

While allergies are easier to avoid for some than others, there are a few common seasonal allergies that can trigger unpleasant reactions. Some people may actually be allergic to certain things but don’t know it yet.

There are allergies that are mild enough for a person to go for years and years without running into a situation that triggers a reaction. On a scale of 1-10, there are people who have reactions to allergies as low as 1.5 and others can withstand numbers as high as 8 and still not see symptoms.

  • Cockleweed
  • Pigweed
  • Ragweed
  • Russian thistle
  • Sagebrush
  • Tumbleweed
  • Bermuda
  • Blue grasses
  • Orchard
  • Red Top
  • Sweet vernal
  • Timothy

If you have had allergies in the past, these names may sound familiar to you. They are usually reported following the weather and give allergy-sufferers an idea of how terrible their day will be.

In Arlington, a name that is dreaded is Ragweed. This weed is very potent and affects many people. It usually travels through the Jetstream from heavily wooded areas such as Colorado and California, which is dreadful for most due to Colorado’s high risk for fire. It can be seen anytime fires break out through Colorado. The smoke will aggravate plants in the area and force them to release extremely high pollen and weed counts which wreak havoc on allergy sufferers in the southern region of the US and mainly central Texas. It is for reasons like this that make it important to have your allergies treated in some way; be it allergy shots, allergy drops, or prescription medicines.

Pollens, weeds and allergens are the culprit to runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and itchiness. When you walk outside and expose yourself to fresh summer air, you induct a huge count of pollen into your lungs, where they wreak havoc on your alveoli, bronchial tubes, and blood cells.

Allergens force your white blood cells to release antibodies which trigger domino-like allergic reactions, which  – depending on the severity of your allergy and dosage of the allergen, can lead to minor symptoms such as itchy eyes or runny nose, or as serious as major as anaphylactic shocks, which can kill in as little as three to four minutes.

Common minor symptoms to allergens such as pollen, mold, and ragweed are:

  • Coughing
  • Dark circles under eyes
  • Itchy eyes, nose and skin
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes

These are symptoms, which are not life-threatening, but can ruin a family outing or outdoor experience. The more serious symptoms are as follows:

  • The onset of asthma
  • Intensifying asthma in patients with preexisting patients
  • Anaphylactic shock

These symptoms are severe and the ones to be most weary of. If you have ever been admitted to the hospital because of a bee sting/wasp bite, being in the presence of an animal, or extended exposure to the outdoors during high pollen counts; you could benefit most from seeing a professional at Central Park ENT in Arlington, Dallas or Fort Worth.

There are many treatments available for patients who suffer from symptoms like the ones mentioned above, if you or a loved one are facing any of them, contact Central Part ENT.[/text_output][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][image type=”none” float=”none” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover” src=”522″][/vc_column][/vc_row]