[vc_row no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”2/3″][text_output]In a world where sound is one of the best means of communication, (i.e. telephones, music, and voice chatting) its almost impossible to know if your ears are properly calibrated to normal hearing levels. With in-ear ear buds and Bluetooth devices always in use – sometimes for multiple hours consecutively, hearing problems can arise anytime and be left untreated for months and years without being noticed. This blog will cover the basics of Tinnitus and why it is important to get it treated.

If you’ve ever had an unexplainable sensation of ringing or high-pitched humming in one or both of your ears, you may have experienced one of the symptoms that entail tinnitus. This ringing can range from bothersome to unbearable for some people. Tinnitus itself doesn’t directly harm your body, but it can wreak havoc on the body indirectly through sleep loss, extreme anxiety and mood swings. It has also been associated with mania when left untreated.

At first glance, you may think that Tinnitus only carries mild symptoms that are difficult to recognize, but these are the worst types of symptoms in the sense that they are often overlooked and ignored, allowing the problem to increase in magnitude with little indication of increased severity. Unfortunately these are symptoms, which are completely subjective, which make them difficult – if not impossible to diagnose without an ENT doctor.

When you sit in silence, there is a certain amount of white noise that you should be able to sense and perceive. Ringing, humming or roaring are not senses that should be heard regularly, and if you experience noises of that nature, you could have a form of tinnitus. To help your doctor understand and diagnose what exactly is going on in your ear, you will be given a set of sample sounds to choose from which will give them an understanding of what types of noises are being caused, and possibly the underlying cause of the Tinnitus. Below are some of the known causes of Tinnitus.

  • Poor diet or a mild reaction to certain type of food
  • Disease or microbial infection
  • Excessive noise from work, concerts or accidents
  • Excessive trauma to the head, neck or ear area
  • Certain Medications used in conjunction with one another
  • Increased stress on a regular basis

If you have experienced symptoms like the ones listed above, you should consult your ENT specialist in Dallas to remedy the issue. Central Park ENT operates in Arlington, Dallas and Fort Worth so you can quickly and conveniently restore quality of life to your daily routine. While not all ear, nose and throat issues are life threatening or injury-related, they have the highest probability of depreciating your quality of life.

If Tinnitus symptoms are present in your everyday life, Central Park ENT urges you to call to schedule an appointment. With Offices in Arlington, Dallas and Fort Worth, there is no excuse to ignore your symptoms. Get in touch with us to set up an appointment.[/text_output][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][image type=”none” float=”none” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover” src=”509″][/vc_column][/vc_row]