[vc_row no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”2/3″][text_output]An unfortunate fact about some medical fields is that some areas are subjective and difficult to diagnose from an outside perspective. Hearing Loss is one of these areas since listening happens in the ear and the brain. Central Park ENT in Arlington, Dallas and Fort Worth has the tools and technology available to help determine if you need hearing assistance and to what degree you may need it. The following tips below will help indicate whether you should schedule an appointment to check for hearing loss at Central Park ENT in Arlington, Dallas or Fort Worth.

  • The telephone is difficult for you to hear. Simulated sounds coming from small speakers require the highest level of concentration to understand and even then, our brains usually have to piece together exactly what is being heard because of the defects in the quality of sound coming from the phone. This may not require immediate attention, but it is definitely a sign that you should look into whether you need assistance in hearing.
  • Those around you complain about the volume of the TV. This is a telltale sign that you may be suffering from hearing loss. If those around you find the TV loud and you consider it to be at a normal level, it is a direct comparison between yourself and those around you.
  • You struggle to listen in noisy environments. We’re not talking about having a conversation in front of the speakers of a loud concert, but you should be able to have a conversation during the low lul of a sporting event.
  • You ask “What?” frequently. The phrase ”What?” describes exactly what it should. It simply means “I don’t think I heard you correctly, can you repeat that?” After a few of these instances, either you or the people around you should notice that it happens frequently enough to make an appointment at Central Park ENT in Arlington, Dallas or Fort Worth.
  • Children and Women are difficult to hear. Children and Women usually have quieter or higher pitched voices, which are certainly more difficult to hear. These people are everywhere in our lives and it is important to listen and hear them. If you experience difficulty hearing Women or Children, you should contact Central Park ENT to schedule and appointment as soon as possible.

If you notice that you or someone near you experiences two or more of the above mentioned conditions, you should immediately schedule an appointment with Central Park ENT. Remember to have somebody drive you to the clinic if you experience the symptoms and to drive them to the clinic yourself. If you have decreased hearing or hearing loss, you put yourself and others around you in danger when driving.[/text_output][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][image type=”none” float=”none” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover” src=”496″][/vc_column][/vc_row]